Thursday, July 10, 2008

Kristin's Photo Op

This is the first picture I took

Interesting...very interesting!


She's mad... real mad!

Today we found an old pair of Kirstin's jeans. They were ripped. She put them and proceeded to rip them more on both legs. Then I asked her if I could cut them some more and take pictures. After the first few cuts I just decided to go wild and do some weird things. Here are the pictures! We had a god time goofing of,but would never wear this in public.


Steve Rueg said...

Hey Kasey,
those pictures are awesome! Abby had a great time at camp getting to know Kristin. I had fun getting yo know you too! Your Organ photos looked neat too. How long were you there for? well, I gotta go.
~Emma Ruegsegger

Sister Cindy said...

Wow..Kris....You wild woman, you! I think fashion is definitly in your future!
Love ya!
Aunt Cindy